Throttle Body Balancing... This is bad right?

If you are going to add cams and really want horsepower go with the big K&Ns 4040RX, but you will have to cut or remove your bearclaw. If you are staying with a stock motor you can get the smaller K&Ns, but most people seem to like the Ramair kit. Both fit behind the bearclaw. Neither setup seems to mind rain.

If you have pullback risers it is a pain to lift the tank. You either have to remove the gauges, or the tab at the front of the tank. I removed the tab and never put it back. Unless you are doing XGames kind of stunts, it shouldn't be a problem.
with a little help from a friend u can remove the rear bolt move the tank back then up over the gauges and bars then reinsert the rear bolt and then use the prop.
i never mess with the gauges.

If you have Rivco risers the bolting plate on the tank will hit the bars. You don't have to mess with the handlebars. Have as little gas as possible in the tank. Gas weighs about 7 pound per gallon. Remove the bear claw. Remove the seat, remove the front tank bolt. You will need a long extension or long Allen key to reach it. Place a towel in front of the tank so you don't loose that Allen crew and end up ridding with an unsecured tank. Lift and slide the tank back and get it to pass under the bars and rest the front plate on the bar. Reseat the back of the tank on the pivot position and insert the crew for safety and use the prop bar to set the tank up to work on the top of the motor.

Remove all the duct junk and order a RamAir kit. No ride-in-the-rain issues for anyone yet. Even Rainman runs RamAir. Then you will be ready to become a Rocket tuner! Don't drop anything in to the throat of the throttle bodies. There are only two adjustment screws, #1 and #3. When you move one the other two change! Have fun.

Let us know when you are ready to install the RamAir. There are several good post on that mod. For me working on the bike is half the fun. Before the Rocket I didn't even have a tire pressure gage.
Rode mine in a deluge in 2009 from Washington DC (some kind of hurricane thingy) toward home. My triple K&N pods are covered by the bear claw and I didn't have a single hic-cup from the motor while throwing a 30 foot rooster tail down C Street. One thing you have to get used to is the intake 'crickets' as you can hear the vavles chirping (with the plumbing installed you can't).

I replaced the vacuum lines on my '06, it wasn't that bad at all and having an older bike now I know they're good. Slight vacuum leak will give you all
kinds of head aches.
OK, so I decided to man up and I pulled the intake ducting. The guy I bought this bike off of had given me an unused throttle body set so I stole the vacuum hoses off of that. ONce I changed the hoses out the numbers looked WAY better, within 30 to 40. I was able to get them dead on pretty easily:

They also extend under the left side cover.