Thoughts on trailering

It depends. I don’t ever ever use a trailer ( mainly because I don’t have one)

But seriously, for me half the fun is always getting there. I really really enjoy riding motorcycle and I don’t really see much point in trailer and one just to ride around the event and then trailering home

I definitely see why people do it. Age, weather, or just the geography. For example I live in Southern New Mexico which has great riding and beautiful area. Another spot that’s really nice to ride in is central Texas Hill country. However in between us is a wide swath of wasteland desert and truck stops. A lot of people I know will trailer out to the hill country ride their bikes for a few days and then Hall home.
I trailer depending on destination, who is with me, weather or when I feel like it. Life is more important than worrying about what others think of me. If I'm looked upon as not a real biker, well, that's the other person's issue, not mine.
it is definitively not a problem as I pull the trailer with a half ton truck I also removed all the horse parts which means about 250 lbs of horse gears. the trailer is fairly light actually , only the undercarriage and wheels are heavy .
Will look into it, in fact , i know where one is for sale
Will look into it, in fact , i know where one is for sale
try to find one with the ramp first check the wheels bearings and poke a knife blade in the floor here and there to see if it is rotten with horse piss, the rest is just common sense. mine has the middle post so I had to modify and make it removable no big a deal just that I have to carry a ramp inside
If I am ever to meet all ya'all a trailer will probably be necessary.

I have found my previous opinion of MC trailer use has flip-flopped.
For me, a trailer has increased my riding season and distances.
It took me 11,500 miles and 6 weeks to ride coast to coast and north to south on my R3R.
By towing, I can avoid the bad fall and winter weather here in the northwest and head for the sunshine.
Just today I returned from a trailer to Redding, CA followed by a 3,000 mile ride and return trailer home over the two mountain ranges.
I have also trailered all the way to Enid, OK a couple times to do the Ozarks of AR.
Trailers save time off work and money for hotels! Period!

This trailer is very light weight and I can easily tow it with my Jeep Wrangler.
It has an inboard, pull-out ramp that provides a grade so slight even Grandma could ride up it and park into your chalk.
MC10 Motorcycle Trailer | Motorcycle Trailers
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nice and sharp looking but it is open all around and I bet it cost more than a good used bumper puller horsetrailer mine did cost me only 1200 canadian dollars granted it was a steal .. the floor is only 10 inches of the ground close enough for a easy ride up with a ramp but it is heavier than an aluminum flat deck
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Brand new, it cost me $2K in Oregon dollars - no tax or rego.
Does your trailer weigh under 400 pounds???
Brand new, it cost me $2K in Oregon dollars - no tax or rego.
Does your trailer weigh under 400 pounds???
first how much is an oregon $ worth?
and no my trailer is not light by any means around 800 lbs after I removed a good 500 lbs of horse tacks but the one thing I love most is the dual axle it doesn't fishtail ever and that saved my bacon 5 years ago also it has brakes which mitigate the weight when using the truck brakes

and how are you doing so far these days
My trailer is not light or cheap. We only need to haul two bikes but having room for two more makes it easier to convince buddies to join you for a touring trip in a far away place. We’ve ridden these local roads so much I need some new ones to have a sense of exploration.

I need to travel over 500 miles away from the house to find a road that I haven’t been on before.

so you are doing fine by all accounts