Thoughts on trailering

If I am going to an event by myself I will drive my bike, the most I have done is 1800 miles in 6 days, If my wife goes and it is more then 200 miles I trailer, that is her choice ( I have been with her for 42 years so no arguing not worth it) Have a 14x7 featherlite cant even tell it is behind my ram.
That was a very old trailer you had in West Virginia, glad you made it home with it, even tho you were leaving parts allover the place
2 years ago when we were deciding weather to rid or trailer to RAA in Wyoming, i told my wife and daughter we were trailering, they both said NO, we are riding, i said it will be a very long ride and you girls will get very tired, they said "worry about yourself old man"

if you are considering trailering some days may I suggest to look up on the used market a 2 horses BUMPER PULLER preferably with a ramp these are beefy 2 axles with electric brakes and on the used market a decent one goes for $2000
I used several during the last 10 years for trailering my rocket and on the last one I bolted my bike lock on its floor so I do not use straps anymore another plus.
beats taking it on the truck as I also used to do, can't say enough for looong trip a trailer is the way to go like this winter I am going south near the mex border from the canadian border I do not think I can ride in the snow in January for the first 600miles and still ride the next 2500 after so no options just pull and arrive fresh
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You wouldn't get that down most of our motorways let alone local roads
That’s funny but true I expect. I think such a rig would be unnecessary and useless in the UK.
the only thing im concerned about is the weight of it for a half ton pick up
the only thing im concerned about is the weight of it for a half ton pick up

it is definitively not a problem as I pull the trailer with a half ton truck I also removed all the horse parts which means about 250 lbs of horse gears. the trailer is fairly light actually , only the undercarriage and wheels are heavy .
Some great suggestions, thanks. I got a new wheel chock, and about to unload my wrecked Rocket off my new trailer, so it won't be long until I try loading up the low rider. I like the idea of the raised hitch. Hadn't thought of that. I'll try to remember to take a video of my first attempt. Should be good for giggles! Also toying with the idea of using a 12 volt winch, and thinking about how to connect to the bike. Thinking something like a bar through the forks, behind the headlights, with an eye bolt on each end, and a short cable that the winch cable attaches to. Would tend to hold the wheel straight. Could sit on the bike, and run the winch with the long control cord. Just thinking out loud. Yes, it's a ***** to be old, and arthritic, but could always be worse!
Take a look at Condor motorcycle loader, winch bike on and use as wheel chock.
