Thoughts on trailering

I have never put my bike on a trailer, but I can think of a couple of situations I would.
Some of the rides down south in the early spring I have not gone to cause of the weather between here and there.
There are great days for riding around here in April and May, but stringing 3 or 4 good days without major thunderstorms is not realistic until after Memorial day.
I have a couple of friends that have gotten toy haulers. I like them, but owning a small company no way I can get away for a month at a time.
Once I get my 1965 Bonneville restored I could see hauling it to shows, but anything within a couple hundred miles I will ride her. She is not going to be a decorative piece.
If i had a restored 1965 Bonneville i would trailer it. Prize bikes are hard to replace. I'll get you those pics on the bike cover this afternoon. Just woke up.
I only use my friends trailer when attending the RAA events and just to put it in perspective I put around 16-20000miles a year on my bikes, all of you are missing the main point about trailering, sure a you get older it is a lot easier, weather also plays a big part, now the reason I use a trailer and remember I am built like a greek god
I carry spare parts like brake pads, clutch and throttle cables, usually a used tyre,spare plugs , air compreesor. various fluids, tools etc you would be suprised how many attend these events and their bikes are not ready for the mountains I cannot tell you how many brake pads i have changed for people at the RAA events.
At any large gathering anyone with this type of motobike experience knows you should always have a back up vehicle or two, we have had to use the trailers in the past for riders who have went down and we have even helped other riders who were stuck on the BRP with a flat tyre.
Now am I a fan of trailers no I am not but like everything else they have a very important role to play when needed, plus you can bring along as much underwear(Jim please take note)as you want , jackets, helmets, socks, kitchen sink etc.
I own a nice enclosed 12 x 6 trailer that is fitted with a front wheel clamp I had designed and built specifically for the Rocket. My wife and I have taken her on many adventures this way as my wife can't ride all day like I can. With that trailer I can take 2 regular bikes if the Rocket is ridden or stays home. I do prefer to ride to the longer distance events and I will if just me is going, but when Wifey is coming, we trailer. Sometimes trailering has its advantages and is much better.

Also it comes in real handy for other things ... like our 2 trips to Bonneville Salt Flats events.

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Anyone ever thought about building a trailer for getting the Beast on and off easily.
I saw this idea and thought it could be a good winter project. Takes all the hard work out of getting it up and down.