Thoughts on trailering

KINELL - this one seems to have slipped past me. Glad you are OK @Steel .
But at the risk of being the silly old sod who does not always practise what he preaches - MORE breaks.
I usually don't get to nod off - Mrs B. sees to that: she not being the worlds best passenger at the best of times.

I have a panel van, mainly for work. Put several bikes in those over the years, when buying, or for services on mine and others.
Could this be an option for you? Safer than a trailer both in terms of theft and whilst driving, plus the trailer isn’t in the way/ stood around the drive for most of the time.
Reading this post, I noticed a couple of pictures with Rockets in the bed of pickups. It's hard to tell, but it looks like the rear tires are on the tailgate. I believe the tailgates are rated for 300 lb. I've had the cables break.
Reading this post, I noticed a couple of pictures with Rockets in the bed of pickups. It's hard to tell, but it looks like the rear tires are on the tailgate. I believe the tailgates are rated for 300 lb. I've had the cables break.
There is a steel replacement bar that some folks have used.
Reading this post, I noticed a couple of pictures with Rockets in the bed of pickups. It's hard to tell, but it looks like the rear tires are on the tailgate. I believe the tailgates are rated for 300 lb. I've had the cables break.
I believe some are showing motorcycle loading systems so the bike is actually riding on the loader's rail rather than the tailgate.

Looks like I broke the right footpeg off the Roadster too. And one of the brackets for the flyscreen, but it was cracked halfway through when I got it.
So you thought you would just finish the job off on the bracket glad you are okay, not sure which route you are taking but you are more that welcome to spend a night or two at my place(fridge will be locked)