Thoughts on moving floorboard location

Search foot peg relocation...there has been a few threads on here over the years. It's not necessarily an easy swap. Take pix and post often
Go for it John. I have not made my mind up yet. I like floorboards but Triumph did not study this one well enough.

Just sent a P.M. to dealer. I put Refined forward controls on my roadster but there a little to far forward for me.
Just sent a P.M. to dealer. I put Refined forward controls on my roadster but there a little to far forward for me.
Wish I had that problem but it is solvable! I think you could easily buy a set of oem floorboard brackets and tig mounting brackets and the other accessories directly onto them in the exact place you desire.
Right now, my initial strategy is to do a flip; cut the bracket as a stub on each side, weld hard inserts, flip then re tig and relocate the mounting positions of the floorboards where I want them. Just an inch lower and farther forward where the should have been put in the first place.
If you move the Footboards, your going to have to add on to the rear brake. I slide my feet as far forward as I can, but that takes the brake out of reach. I have to slide my right foot back to even get to the brake.
If you move the Footboards, your going to have to add on to the rear brake. I slide my feet as far forward as I can, but that takes the brake out of reach. I have to slide my right foot back to even get to the brake.
That assembly will be cut completely off and rewelded farther forward. Shifter on the left will also be cut off and moved forward. The pedal arm will be completly cut off and I plan to fab a mount for a HD sportster pedal. It folds out of the way via a spring and allows better use of the boards. The only concern is the kick stand. The right side will be a piece of cake.