Thinking about getting an R3

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I don't consider my Touring a cruiser. It is so well set up for Touring. Never tried to stand up while riding? Will give it a go and get back to you on this.
Hello Robert and welcome from a displaced Texan in Virginia. I ride the R3T and have no issues standing if I wish too.
Welcome from the Pacific Northwest. The Roadster is super comfortable with a pretty neutral riding position. I stand up on my pegs when I go over rough railroad tracks, as the stock rear suspension is pretty ****e.

Also, and this is critical, it's the *white* stripes that make it go faster.
welcome from arizona
07 classic i have floor boards and i can move feet around about 5 inches and can also stand but i would be very careful with the throttle while u r standing
Hmm, love my Rocket Touring but I now tour on an 04 K1200GT, and love it. r65 with side car, but giving that to my daughter. Welcome

I have a 2012 R3R with a Corbin fairing, Russell day long, and the highway pegs. Roadster is great for being able to shift your weight under you while riding, the highway pegs let me stretch out if needed, the RDL keeps me comfortable all day, and the Corbin makes the chest pressure disappear while still getting airflow through my helmet.

Life has changed for me and I’ll planning to sell it soon but would highly recommend that route
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