Thinking about a T-bird

Well not really looking into speed. However i do need a big bike(i ride 2up most of the time). Also i am tall. Anyway too much pain now to make a rational desicion...
. However i do need a big bike(i ride 2up most of the time).

We rented a Thunderbird LT, that is the one in the picture. On a different trip we rented a Thunderbird. If you do a lot of 2 up the missus will like the LT a lot better. The back seat is larger and it has floor boards instead of pegs.

Jerry C
You need realize you've been forever jaded by the R3. There are other bikes, other moto styles; but power-cruiser????? The T-Bird is a beautiful bike; but your injured wrist is not going to notice any reduction in weight. However; the connection from your right wrist to your ego and viscerals will chronically trouble you.
Dude I have broke my left wrist 4 times now and one of them times was my off on my 05 Rocket. Plus six fractures of three vertebrae. Still my scrawny arse is on a Roocket !!!!!!!!!!!!! Give yourself some time to get healed your opinion will change..
Like i said at the moment i havent decided weather not to ride or keep on riding. I broke my Right(dominant hand) wrist in 3 places. Got a metal plate with screws holding it together.

I will like to ride but i am looking for a ligher bike....only time will tell.
Had similar thoughts when I broke my collar bone as whether to continue riding and had an R1 then. I bought a lighter bike - in addition, to get reaclimatised then sold it later.
We rented a Thunderbird LT, that is the one in the picture. On a different trip we rented a Thunderbird. If you do a lot of 2 up the missus will like the LT a lot better. The back seat is larger and it has floor boards instead of pegs.

Jerry C

Almost as heavy as a R3T but with a smaller engine may as well buy the real deal Touring if choosing between the two
Had similar thoughts when I broke my collar bone as whether to continue riding and had an R1 then. I bought a lighter bike - in addition, to get reaclimatised then sold it later.
I remember how that feels from work though not riding.

I traded my Storm for the R3 and when it comes to pushing bikes around the garage or parking lot the R3 is EASIER!!! go figure.