Well not really looking into speed. However i do need a big bike(i ride 2up most of the time). Also i am tall. Anyway too much pain now to make a rational desicion...
We rented a Thunderbird LT, that is the one in the picture. On a different trip we rented a Thunderbird. If you do a lot of 2 up the missus will like the LT a lot better. The back seat is larger and it has floor boards instead of pegs.
You need realize you've been forever jaded by the R3. There are other bikes, other moto styles; but power-cruiser????? The T-Bird is a beautiful bike; but your injured wrist is not going to notice any reduction in weight. However; the connection from your right wrist to your ego and viscerals will chronically trouble you.
Dude I have broke my left wrist 4 times now and one of them times was my off on my 05 Rocket. Plus six fractures of three vertebrae. Still my scrawny arse is on a Roocket !!!!!!!!!!!!! Give yourself some time to get healed your opinion will change..
Like i said at the moment i havent decided weather not to ride or keep on riding. I broke my Right(dominant hand) wrist in 3 places. Got a metal plate with screws holding it together.
I will like to ride but i am looking for a ligher bike....only time will tell.
Had similar thoughts when I broke my collar bone as whether to continue riding and had an R1 then. I bought a lighter bike - in addition, to get reaclimatised then sold it later.
We rented a Thunderbird LT, that is the one in the picture. On a different trip we rented a Thunderbird. If you do a lot of 2 up the missus will like the LT a lot better. The back seat is larger and it has floor boards instead of pegs.
Had similar thoughts when I broke my collar bone as whether to continue riding and had an R1 then. I bought a lighter bike - in addition, to get reaclimatised then sold it later.
@Lenny I like the T-Bird Commander quite a bit. Here is the link to the report from riding one: 2014 T-Bird Commander Report | R3Owners
I think the commander has a good amount of power when compared directly to a RoadKing.