They are nice bikes just a bit small.

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I really enjoyed your story. I have to say I'm not hard core on any particular bike having owned 8 different bikes in my life. That's just a silly approach to what motorcycling is all about. As long as you enjoy what you ride, all is good. My last bike before my Rocket was a 2009 Fatboy I bought new. I enjoyed the bike as much as any and swapped off my 98 Valkyrie for it. I just like a change once in a while and my R3T fits the bill. I would love to have a couple different bikes to ride, but I guess it's just one at a time for me. No place to put a second bike and I have to keep the wife happy.

One of the things I like about my Rocket is no one else has one. Most people don't even know the bike when they do see it, they always give it a look and ask questions. It's a joy to ride and often puts a smile on my face. I like the touring aspect of the bike, but I could see myself on the roadster as well. Since I put the PowerTripp tune on, it's even more fun now. Bottom line, just enjoy what you're riding and screw the rest of it because we all know here on the forum that we are unique in what we ride.
a jet ranger turbine in this thing would also do it !! someone makes it so somewhere but $185 000 is a lot of mullah for two wheels
a jet ranger turbine in this thing would also do it !! someone makes it so somewhere but $185 000 is a lot of mullah for two wheels

Far too costly, and a disappointment if wanting 'instant' torque. But it DOES go like stink after it 'spools-up'. Chrysler's 1964 "turbine" concept car shared the same pros & cons of such an application of technology.

I have nothing against a HD but I really enjoy pulling into the parking lot at work on my R3 and parking in between 3 Street Glides and an Electra Glide or 2, I like to be a bit different

Far too costly, and a disappointment if wanting 'instant' torque. But it DOES go like stink after it 'spools-up'. Chrysler's 1964 "turbine" concept car shared the same pros & cons of such an application of technology.

that chrysler is quite the design!!