The Three Sisters, aka The Twisted Sisters

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You can drop out my +1 she has decided she hasn't enough skill in the twistys to try to keep up with a pack of Rockets. I will just have to get her over to the Sisters another time and get her more experience. She hasn't been riding long.
You can drop out my +1 she has decided she hasn't enough skill in the twistys to try to keep up with a pack of Rockets. I will just have to get her over to the Sisters another time and get her more experience. She hasn't been riding long.

I'm bringing my wife on the pillion & she has never ridden until I got my Rocket 1 1/2 year ago. She has only ridden with me a limited few times, but in April of last year we made a ride with another couple from Tyler down thru lockhart, into San Antonio. The next day we went into Gruene then out to Fredricksburg, down to the edge of this 3 sisters area & back into S/A thru Bandera. I'm saying all of that to get at the fact that we rode some really neat twisties out at the edge into Bandera & my wife does not have good balance due to a traumatic head injury from 10 years ago. We rode at a decent clip, with some good lean, but not to the point of it being dangerous. So I will be doing the same on this trip & if others get into race mode, I will be dropping off of the back if necessary to keep us in the safe zone. NO amount of testosterone will see me put her in danger by risking putting us at the edge of our riding 2 up skills. That can be done @ another time, another place 1 up!
Sorry to be long winded, but if she wants to come with you, there is always room at the back of the pack. If I/we get dropped I/we can re-group later if necessary & if not. No hard feelings. I'm sure there will be others in the same zone..... My phone has GPS
And I have found that bringing the missus along accumulates "reward coupons" for later
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You can drop out my +1 she has decided she hasn't enough skill in the twistys to try to keep up with a pack of Rockets. I will just have to get her over to the Sisters another time and get her more experience. She hasn't been riding long.
You would be surprised, my daughter has been riding for 3 months and last month i had trouble keeping up with her at "Neddles and 'Beartooth pass" with no mistakes, she is a natural born rider, but if your +1 thinks she needs to wait then you better wait
She has some confidence issues in how she rides even though many of my riding acquaintences have told her she rides very well. Add to the fact she second guesses herself in corners and it could make for a bad for her.

I respect her choice and would prefer she stay home if she feels she needs too.
Agree with you 100%, she will ride with you when she feels she is ready

Oh, Absolutely - I hear ya....... Good choice gotta have confidence first n foremost
Thanks for the info R3Tex. My brother respectfully asks the captains if it is OK to bring his Harley to the Ride. Chuck is an Iron Butt experienced rider. He is shy about hanging with a pack of Rockets.

Kinda like standing in a circle jerk with a 1" penis . . .
On the serious side - EVERYONE is ALWAYS welcome to ride with us!!!
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