The Results of "Distracted Driving" when Contacting a Stopped Motorcycle

pretty much said everything in conversation but now seeing your bike I really feel the pain for you and as I said hope you are not to badly hurt with no broken bones, they suck
just remember I will be there with another tune when you get your next one
I'm both surprised and very pleased that you are OK!
Sure hope there is insurance to go round, so that all your damages are covered.
Being a distracted driver rear-ended you, it appears you have no liability issues.
This should simplify things for your settlement.
All the best wishes to you for a speedy recovery, both physically and monetarily!
it is good that u r not hurt to bad
it makes me sad to look at those pics
i just have to say it now there r only 499 x's
That really sucks man! I'm glad your ok, makes me wanna cry looking at that bike though
I had some young idiot slam into the back of my trailer once (they don't get another go) in a Honda Civic in the Main St of Singleton at a red light I felt a little nudge and drove off looking in the mirrors I saw steam, coolant pouring out of the radiator and the bonnet (hood) bent up like a ski ramp and the bloke out of the car OK and believe it or not shaking his fist at me, so I just kept going ,the Highway cops pulled me up at Branxton and I acted dumb not a hard job for ,he asked me what happened I said where ,he checked my stop lights and my log book and run his eye over everything I asked him why he was so concerned to find me and he said we were checking on your welfare from the collision, and I said what collision ,he had a chuckle and said Piss off!
Here recently in rural Oklahoma it seems like a game some folks like to play. They pull up very fast to a stop light slam on their brakes and stop real close to your rear end. I keep a consent eye in my rear view mirrors and get very upset when this happens. Make it very apparent that we are not happy. Happens twice your just plan stupid. Kind of old gray and fat but still good at taken care of business. Some of these puppy's I guess did not have a mom and pop to teach them any manners.
it is good that u r not hurt to bad
it makes me sad to look at those pics
i just have to say it now there r only 499 x's
Yeah, thank you. Still here.
I can't stop looking at them either. Kind of stopped me on my tracks the first time I saw it.
....and I was thinking the same thing about the X.