I would also highly recommend puting a smear of grease on the bolt when putting it back together. I also do the same with the axles and especially with the bolts that go into the rear fender for the panier mounts etc.
I had trouble with seized bolts in the rear fender and front engine mounting bolts on my R3 roadster. Now they are all put back with grease. I think Triumph put most if not all of the frame and mounting bolts in dry.
In fact i have removed & lubricated all the bolts i think may be going to seize. (due to our wet climate in this country)
Years ago i had to drill out a front engine mounting bolt on a Yamaha XS500, what a job that was, the bolt was corroded all the way through
the aluminium engine case and it was a risky job not to screw it up. Luckily it worked. It took nearly a day to do it.
Have not ordered yet. I have a on going list of parts and when it reaches free shipping then I order. Need to look at it first and then take it from there.
Oh the ole on going parts list. I think im done finally. for a minute


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Before you undo detent spring please post a picture of how it is hanging. Over the top hooks better than up from bottom. I think it puts undo pressure on spring where alot snap. I bet yours is over the top and open faces bottom of engine. Thanks bud


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If you forget anything let me know that triumph gasket kit ishrub and i picked up is loaded with odd bits
Before you undo detent spring please post a picture of how it is hanging. Over the top hooks better than up from bottom. I think it puts undo pressure on spring where alot snap. I bet yours is over the top and open faces bottom of engine. Thanks bud
Curious what you mean by over top or over bottom. Looks like it can only go one way.
Sonny, with your mileage, take some close up pics and post any info on those wear items we normally talk about like the lifter piece, chain wear (chain tensioner depth and whether you need a shim) and especially the tranny issues. I'm guessing there won't be much wear on any of these items since your ride was an everyday rider. It's a good reference for us guys and gals. Much appreciated.
On the subject of engine rebuilds, does anyone make larger barrels and pistons to increase displacement?
You know, when in doubt bore it out.