Pulled oil pan and it was spotless. Even the screens are clean. Not what i was expecting. Amazing considering bike has 68,000 miles on it. At the least you figure to find some debri on the screens.
part of the gasket ripped when peeling apart, thats factory. under the covers is where debris gets trapped, like slivers of gears, just saying pretty important that they are indeed clean and only a visual inspection will suffice. Hope they are clean
Pulled oil pan and it was spotless. Even the screens are clean. Not what i was expecting. Amazing considering bike has 68,000 miles on it. At the least you figure to find some debri on the screens.
Those bolts, i tap threads when i strip the bike in the winter to get the junk (loc tite anti seize) out. But those three in particular do want to rust corrode, for those bolts that do rust and such i try and replace with bolts that will do better.
Your going metal to metal with four bolts. Should not be a problem. Titanium bolts are great going ferrous to non ferrous metal. Really believe the answer is using the proper anti seize. Moistures seems to be the issue. Prior to tear down had already purchased new bolts. Have access to some really good anti seize used in aircraft parts. Going to give that a try.
Your going metal to metal with four bolts. Should not be a problem. Titanium bolts are great going ferrous to non ferrous metal. Really believe the answer is using the proper anti seize. Moistures seems to be the issue. Prior to tear down had already purchased new bolts. Have access to some really good anti seize used in aircraft parts. Going to give that a try.
No i havent pulled engine i want to get the head off while the engine is in the bike and im waiting on Teng bits to make sure i dont have any issues with head bolts. Are you making templates for your screws to go in as you remove?
You just have to chock or strap the engine. Imo it's easier torque head bolts with it out of the frame, as you have complete freedom to cleanly get the 90° final torque in one swing.
With it in the frame, you can still get the 90°, but just about.