
"Doc" in a small part of the world.
May 30, 2015
North Carolina
2014 Rocket III Touring
I bumped into a serious deal on a brand new Mustang "Vintage" two-piece saddle with Driver Backrest, and thought some might like to see it in "solo" mode. Like others have reported, installing the seat is a bit of a puzzle, but once you figure out the trick, there was "nothing to it", and will be easier to remover/reinstall as the saddle relaxes a bit. Because I road trip-it quite a bit, I'll probably have the driver backrest, passenger pillion and original passenger backrest/luggage rack on the bike much of the time, but the solo setup sans everything else does look mighty sweet, to my eye, and rcv'd a ton of "likes", "loves" and compliments from club Brothers and other friends on FB today. See what you think.... (sorry the photos seem so LARGE... not my intention!)

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backrest/luggage rack on the bike much of the time, but the solo setup sans everything else does look mighty sweet, to my eye, and rcv'd a ton of "likes", "loves" and compliments from club Brothers and other friends on FB today. See what you think.... (sorry the photos seem so LARGE... not my intention!)

It is a real shame that Mustang have not done a Standard/Classic/Roadster seat.

Just about every distance rider I know says Mustang seats are much better than Corbin.
Not bespoke comfy like a Russel naturally - but well above average.

Corbins ime are HARD - they bed in but I think you need to be at the "meaty" end of the rider range for them to bed in with any speed.
I would try a Mustang tomorrow. Though my seat is now so altered it is bespoke - though not professionally. Can easily do a tankful with no bum-ache.
I failed to thank Delaware rider (see his comment in this thread) for his input/insight into installation of the saddle from his own personal experience with same. I'd read several comments from others that found the initial installation to be difficult or nearly impossible, due to some oddity with the thing, so I was naturally skeptical at first. BUT, indeed, by just varying the "angle of attack" initially, it will fit-up and seemingly DOES "work in" and become easy to remove/replace, thereafter, as D. R. told me.