The Problem Facing Harley-Davidson

I've got to say I'm surprised your HD dealer didn't put the gun in your hand so to say. Every dealer I've ever been too will do everything they can to get you a test ride.
I had a Softail - and I am glad I did. Would I buy another HD? - Doubtful. I am not physically that big so do not need the "Bum real estate" under me. Would be therefore more likely to get something of a more Euro size. Better power:weight ratio.

Early "production" XL Buells were an indication of what an HD engine CAN BE for remarkable little cash. Fastish and nimble as hell. Also they were cheaper than a Sportster.
So a HUGE part of the HD future is simply depending on a business model which is inflexible and failing.

I do understand the "always connected" issue - but more and more find that born again bikers are going for simple (retro) simply because it is a way to disconnect.
It's real simple, at least to me. They are not affordable for the young generation. Since they alienated people like me (when i was young) with their extraordinary prices. My kids never saw one parked in the garage, I was never able to give them their first ride on one. I can buy 2 of anything else for the price of one HD. Sure there are some cheaper versions like the sportster, but I didn't want that. I wanted a Harley when I bought my shadow, I also wanted one before I bought my rocket. Now I'm over it and I've lost all desire to ever own one.

People got into the Harleys back in the day because they could afford it. It's just not the case for the average working man anymore. They dream about it until they wake up and see something like a rocket with 2x the power for a 1/3 of the price.
Yes but we still don’t have a “real” bike.
I believe I have written in our forum in the past about "riding with a smile". It truly is the case. I have owned or rode a fair amount of cycles over the last 30 years. I thought that my knowledge of bikes was well versed. After I totaled a 2001 Road King I tested a Rocket. Never heard of a Rocket before. Now a new chapter. I ride a R3T with a lot of bling. Just a hobby. Never wish to own another H.D.
I never before seriously considered a Triumph but after seeing them on the Indian showroom I did have a curious desire to just ride one. After I did I said to my self WTH just go for it and trade away the last Harley, no regrets.