The next-next-Gen Key-Less????

My concern about a phone based system is the forced "upgrade" cycle. I don't know how many apps and devices (Fobo Bike, Trakdot, etc.) I've purchased that have been partially or completely broken by the "progress" of technology.

A phone-centric system could, without warning, begin behaving unexpectedly or even stop working due to: OS updates, Carrier OS overlay updates, or even upgrading to a new phone. In order for me to change out any parameters on my Fobo bike, I have to dig my old Galaxy S3 out of a drawer and charge it up. While they can be read by, they don't fully work with anything since the Galaxy S5 came out.

I also wonder how susceptible the system would be to bluejacking.

One aspect of the idea I do like:

There could be a sudden boom market in second hand DEcosse systems!

I'm sure you'll make whatever you go with work reliably, but I'm sure a big fan of dedicated hardware.
@DEcosse - Any NFC options? - Bluetooth can drain a phone battery real fast. Though the "APP" thing is rightly an issue.
There is always the "Key in Parallel" option - phones get stolen here a fair amount.

I remain a luddite - I like keys.
+ 1 with @Jallen3.14 - Our Chevy Bolt EV has an interface to Chevy's "key fob" "My Chevrolet" app, that looks at state of charge (or fuel tank for ICE), estimated range, allows lock/unlock, running the A/C to condition the car before you go out, find charging stations, and of course, in-app purchases of Chevy accessories (mostly for pickups, it seems).

Even with a major corporation face, the app is clunky - doesn't update the data well, and while it's intent is NOT to replace the in pocket token, I sure wouldn't want to rely on it for anything else.

I feel your developer dilemma. Face the same thing in government, with our long acquisition cycles - find that something once delivered often is no longer supported.

I would think, as painful as it is, staying with a next generation token is the way to go for now.
Good point Paul - I have just removed the Citroen app from my company phone as it never really connects with the car anyway.

Ken - What about the REALLY OLD close proximity RFID? - I know - the antenna but it's robust.
NFC - 10 cm range at best (same as proximity RFID which is what that essentially is) - enter afore-mentioned lady with transdermal implant or else fish the chip out of pocket to present to detector - that was d'ecosse v1.0 - not going back there. HAS to be hands-free.

Incidentally my galaxy S10 bluetooth is on all the time (by choice), i use phone a LOT and battery has no issue making it through 24 hrs (currently at 35% at 10pm)
But acknowledge it has a good size battery (3400mAh)

Man have I gotten spoiled over the past years by your keyless. Having to use a key with YurMama feels like I have warped back into the distant past.
I plan to get another of your systems for YurMama (2011 R3R 4200 miles) ASAP.
Interjecting my cellis scary to me. I already hate my Fobo interface, which is a PITA every time I need to reconnect.
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I love the idea, but definitely caution against use when you as the seller are dependent on an uninvolved 3rd party for app support.

In my experience this will inevitably end in frustration and a non-function/limited function device.