The new radiator look

cane corso

Apr 4, 2006
Canada, Toronto
05 Triumph rocket 111
You guys didn't say much on my post about my vents when I posted them unfinshised, I think no one could visualize them finished.
So here's some pictures with the finished product. It is painted and it looks even better up close. It makes the radiator look smaller and not so plain. I think this or something like this is how the Rocket should have been sold.
What do you guys think? I still might change a little on the vents and the spoiler .
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Don't really know what to say about those. You do great work! Just don't know if those radiator vents are something I would consider. They're not ugly by any means, they're just not up my ally is all. The chin spoiler looks great, seems to cover the bottom of the radiator a bit too much, but I do hope to have a chin spoiler on mine one of these days!
they look great. Chin spoiler and vent complement each other. It does apear that the block some flow to the radiator???. fits with the orange real good. maybe sell the rights to flipper

TxRIIIRider, the scoop of the spoiler only goes up into the radiator about 2 inches. Any less then that I don't think that it will function very well.
Gunshots, the vent is hollow in the back so none of the radiator is really being covered, I think that vents would act more like a vacoom, sucking more air in.
I think it will even look better when I paint the radiator so every thing will blend together. I just wanted to give my radiator some style instead of that flat look. I would like to get that nice chrome mesh that you see on expenssive car grills and put that over the grill, I think that would finish it off as well. I think I'm going to end up painting everything orange with the black Tribal and my radiator will be orange with some black and chrome trime.
lookin good

cane corso,
that's very clean and funtional. have you thought about pricing yet? i know it's early to call,but a ball park figure will satiate a lot of curiousity about all of this...

spoiler and vents

goodfellow, I'm not in this to make all kinds of money I haven't caved for over 10 years and never did anything for a motorcycle and I'm kind of rusty.
And when I'm really happy with the the vents and spoiler then I'll find some one to fiberglass them and if I could make a deal with him or her that I make $50 - $100 for even extra one he or she makes that would be fine with me. But I'm sure the more orders I could give him or her at one time I'm sure the price would be cheeper. I think my coast is going to be about $200.00 but I have really no idea could be less could be more.
I wish our radiator looked like the Suzuki M109's It does not look like a billboard. It's hard for me to judge the spoiler by the pics, though it would be nice to see in person. But it is obvious that you do good work!
spoiler and vents

The Radiator of the Rocket is too wide and the front tire is too close to be able to have the look as 109 in my opinion
There is pictures in the photo album just with the spoiler.
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the new look

I had a good test today went to a fuction with my wife and went on my Rocket with the vents on and the spoiler and it was 80 and to get in to the park was stop and go for about an hour in a half befor I got in to the park and my Rocket did not even over heat it was good so looks like it still gets enough cold air