Wolf Creek Motorcycle Rentals, Stecoah NC Smoky Mountain Harley-Davidson, Maryville TN Join our NewsletterFor Email Marketing you can trust. DevilsTriangleTN - 44 mile loop The Devils Triangle, just north of Oak Ridge (TN) in the mountains of the Cumberland Plateau, is made up of some of the...
I got to Robbinsville last thursday and all the hotels were booked for a huge car rally. Initially I was bummed as every single backroad I found was packed with cars. They turned out to be very well mannered and skilled drivers tho' and my time was unimpaired by them, in fact I made my best times chasing them thru the tail. On my own i'll average 15 minutes end to end but having some cars to compete with I managed to crack 12 minutes. Rain every day and dining out doesn't come close to chicago 'burbs have to offer, I even caught covid, but I retired last month and my wife should be in another year or so, that will give me time to prepare my house for the market and make NC my home.