The darkside is wonderful

Not all of us are Ritchie Rich.
Not really a case of being RR, I was brought up believing if you cannot afford something you do not buy it and that includes basic maintenance like tyres. I fully understand the arguments about MC and Car tyres long straight cross country roads or trips like Steve does or done a car tyre would have been perfect.
do you darksiders find a tire dealer to mount the tire or do you have to do it yourself?
seems a dealer would be worried 'bout liability...
just curious
My local tyre place did it. And without qualms. What's more the Firestone rep was there and took us all out for lunch.
I grew up on bikes. For a while in my life I was without. I don't plan on ever being without again. It's the one thing I do for me and I really don't get to do it too often. Is what it is.
Do not confuse cheaper with beter

Cheaper is better if two options meet your needs equally. When I first went darkside either tire would've met my needs, and the extra $150-200 in my pocket mattered. (That's based on the tires available in 2008, considering initial purchase only. I likely saved several times that when considering replacement interval.)

For me at that time, cheaper was definitely better.
To each his own. I've always told my wife, all I want on my tombstone is "He wasn't cheap"

"I do not prize the word "cheap." It is not a badge of honor. It is a symbol of despair. Cheap prices make for cheap goods; cheap goods make for cheap men; and cheap men make for a cheap country." - William McKinley