The darkside is wonderful

Welcome to the darkside . Comments about having to ride the camber of the road are entirely accurate but you get used to looking for the sweet spot. You will chew front tyres a bit more naturally but I completely acknowledge the feeling of the bike feeling planted. Wife is so much happier with the decreased air pressure and ensuing softer ride Been darksidimg for 6 or so years, have thought of going back but really ...... why change what you like because of popular opinion.
@dave64 how do you know a dress is cooler in summer ..... I thought I was the only one
Who the hell buys a 2300cc bike and rides within the speed limits if you do please do not respond as I would lose all faith in humanity.
I never went above the speed limit. In the gravel.
Darkside would be good for a 10k mile trip. I guess. I hated it on my touring.
Ski handles his touring very good. Depends on what You want.
Not all of us are Ritchie Rich.

I am no aficionado of car tires on a motor, but I do understand the nuisance and expense of tire replacement.
My cross country ride to the Wall and many parts in between from Tacoma, WA was 11,500 miles in exactly 6 weeks.
I began with brand new tires front and rear. I had to find, locate and then pay dealers for THREE tire replacements before I got back home.
I tried CT for a day and 250 miles. I'll never go to a car tire, BUT frequent tire changes is a PITA and bokoo $$$$$
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They take about 400 miles to break in. I run a rear Excedra Max up front too. I've got close to 10,000 miles on the set and they still look new. I know its not ideal but it works.
I ran "dark" for a while - before the E-Max was made available in Europe. I wore the edges off it in about 10,000 miles. Still had loads of centre tread but when it came off it was a nice rounded tyre.

Never regretted the decision. And for long motorway runs it gave an excellent ride - better than the E-Max. But the E-Max has lasted as long and is wearing fully across the tyre - though the recent BLAST to see my mum has put a flat bit in teh middle of front/rear.
do you darksiders find a tire dealer to mount the tire or do you have to do it yourself?
seems a dealer would be worried 'bout liability...
just curious