WELCOME to the horde.
From whence you hail?
You shall find this place invaluable for information and advice about your R3R.
Congrats on your maturity - this old man woulda been up in that puke's face.
Full Circle. Born and raised in SoCal-LA, moved to Idaho for 2 dozen years, overseas 10 years, back in LA. I valued practical advice on the HD forum i followed and WOW was the political stuff hardcore there. I have little plans to tinker on the R3, that was not smart to do on a HD too, too much vibrations, things rattle. I will dig the triumph style and ride for the long haul, where else can we go on a bike, UP?
Ian you must have gone to the same school as me nothing to do with the guy being a vet I have met plenty of vets who were real wankers the guy is just a ***c head short and sweet, hopefully when he is riding he comes off in a corner and the mongrel dog peeing against the lamppost mounts him and does not stop until someone sprays the dog with a hose.
Full Circle. Born and raised in SoCal-LA, moved to Idaho for 2 dozen years, overseas 10 years, back in LA. I valued practical advice on the HD forum i followed and WOW was the political stuff hardcore there. I have little plans to tinker on the R3, that was not smart to do on a HD too, too much vibrations, things rattle. I will dig the triumph style and ride for the long haul, where else can we go on a bike, UP?
I know that Bike Bandit delivers quickly and I've NEVER had a problem through many orders over the past 4 years.
The others have sprung up since and I've not used them so far. Being in the LA area, you may wish to try that Cal Moto.
You may also wish to rethink your, "I have little plans to tinker on the R3" because the simple job of removing all the plastic intake crap under the fuel tank, adding triple K&N filters, a better flowing exhaust (like TORs) and getting a new tune put in via dyno or download is easy to do, not too expensive and it greatly transforms the motorcycle in EVERY facet of riding performance.
Remember they come from the factory choked to death due to wide ranging and restrictive emission standards.
Welcome from Mississippi! Trust me the vets value the USO and appreciate it. It's service to your nation! Hopefully your insurance gets him and you have a nice sparkly new paint job to go on your fixed bike
I really appreciate the way US people thank those citizens that have worked in support of the Military in war zones. I was told in no uncertain terms by Australian returned service personell on a facebook group that i had no right calling myself a Vet even though id spent close to 3 years in Afghanistan and 1 year in Iraq working and training Explosive Detection Dogs in support of ISAF in Afgh and US Mil in Iraq , i have no doubt i helped save some lives and i also had close calls and lost new mates id made , was quite a big kick in the balls being wpied by fellow country men like that .
I really appreciate the way US people thank those citizens that have worked in support of the Military in war zones. I was told in no uncertain terms by Australian returned service personell on a facebook group that i had no right calling myself a Vet even though id spent close to 3 years in Afghanistan and 1 year in Iraq working and training Explosive Detection Dogs in support of ISAF in Afgh and US Mil in Iraq , i have no doubt i helped save some lives and i also had close calls and lost new mates id made , was quite a big kick in the balls being wpied by fellow country men like that .
Hey @Wrecka, if you spent time in any theatre of war you are a veteran and nobody has the right to diminish your service, regardless of your role. You know what you did over there and that's all that matters, and your loved ones endured the time you were away, probably worried sick about your safety.
The real Aussie diggers were just glad it was over and they could get back to their life. They didn't need to figure out if they were better than someone else based on what they did in war.
My GF landed at Gallipolli and served on the Western Front and was away for almost 4 years. He was a stretcher bearer and a sniper, he was in the Light Horse. He was one of the last of the Anzacs and died at 100 years and 8 months old. He never marched, wore medals or went to the RSL. He had a healthy disrespect for the higher ups and saw it for what it was, a waste of life but a duty that men rose to. When it was over, it was over. He would never have described himself as anything other than an ordinary bloke. If he had of knocked someones motorcycle over and damaged it he would have paid for the damages in full, regardless of his war service.
And by the way, thanks for your service Wrecka. And welcome @ElAyRocket from Brisbane Australia, hope you get your bike sorted out.
@Wrecka I appreciate what you did and I know it didn't just make things better for Aussie soldiers, but every ally there! You gave up home and put yourself at risk to save lives in a combat area! I don't care what the title is, that's honorable service in my book!
I personally believe every citizen should serve their country in some capacity. I don't care if it's care taking in a national park. It would instill pride and show appreciation rather than the ungrateful selfish attitudes we see in people today. Everyone wants to be served instead of serving.
I really appreciate the way US people thank those citizens that have worked in support of the Military in war zones. I was told in no uncertain terms by Australian returned service personell on a facebook group that i had no right calling myself a Vet even though id spent close to 3 years in Afghanistan and 1 year in Iraq working and training Explosive Detection Dogs in support of ISAF in Afgh and US Mil in Iraq , i have no doubt i helped save some lives and i also had close calls and lost new mates id made , was quite a big kick in the balls being wpied by fellow country men like that .
Very poor form to be undervalued by your 'family' Sean...a team effort is larger than any individual's contribution. I have nothing but respect for all those who serve our country regardless of their station or title.