The Alaska Highway

You’ll love Oregon and Washington, especially the coast hwys but the RV traffic in the summertime is a pain, might not be as bad with Covid happening. South America is having serious Covid outbreaks also but I recently spent 6-1/2 weeks in Mesa,AZ and we practiced masks, social distancing, didn’t join group events and came out of it ok (I had to quarantine for the 14 days when I returned AND the govt. checked on me daily by email and occasional phone call). My special lady who couldn’t come to Canada with me (as an American) is in Las Vegas with family where a week ago she contracted it in her brother’s home (others in the household had picked it up). She’s feeling like crap and hopes it doesn’t get worse. Hopefully the vaccines come quickly and next summer international travel might be salvaged after all.
Keep your powder dry and wait to see what transpires with the border. If it opens there will be no big pre-announcement. It'll just happen. More than likely it will open first to those who have been vaccinated and tested negative for COVID. A phased in opening. IMHO.

That's my plan. Be ready to go north but have other riding plans for the lower 48 for 2021.
I hope that your lady friend will be OK.

Your post prompted me to Google "Canada vs. US Covid" and this is what came up...

..with the caption under the video displaying "Top doctor advises people to wear masks while having sex 02:49."

It's no laughing matter, well, that is sort of, but you guys are obviously more disciplined in EVERY way.

"The US had the highest number of cases and deaths in the world..." Our cowboy mentality will very likely end up preventing me from doing this ride.

Bubba, if you weren't sure if you had "********" would you not wear a condom? Put a danm mask on!

Sorry, long day....
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Not sure when that CorruptedNewsNetwork item you quoted was created but Canada has NOT flattened the curve. We are presently under virtual total lockdown in Ontario, and BC where I live is discussing banning interprovincial travel but there are constitutional aspects to be determined (imagine not being able to travel into your neighbouring state!) I am totally depressed to be here in Canada for the winter, first time in 14 years. Gyms are closed, hockey rinks are closed, my sole exercise is walking the pooch! The US is soon introducing mandatory negative Covid documentation to enter the US even by air, as Canada did a week ago. We WILL get through this but I’m WELL into the demographic group that is susceptible to checking out. My peace of mind is using Google maps to plan my next big bike trip whether it’s Alaska or Yellowknife or wherever, I’ll be ready. Everyone take as much care as possible when you’re out. The park where I winter in Mesa were being loosy-goosy about some aspects and shortly after my lady and I departed, a card-playing group went from 8 infections, to 20 infections and then a couple passed away. No matter your feelings on the info we’re fed, be prudent and live to ride another day