That's a nice bit of kit...

Many thanks Grumpy, I’ll check out the website. Appreciate your help Sir.
@English Tim - I bought one a month or so ago. Really easy to use and very stable. Well worth the money in my humble opinion, makes life easy in restricted spaces like my garage. Wish the Missus would find somewhere else to dump all the kids toys
@English Tim - I bought one a month or so ago. Really easy to use and very stable. Well worth the money in my humble opinion, makes life easy in restricted spaces like my garage. Wish the Missus would find somewhere else to dump all the kids toys
I know that feeling, tumble dryer, gardening palaver, spare plastic chairs etc cluttering up my cave!! Roll on Spring eh!! Cheers
I know that feeling, tumble dryer, gardening palaver, spare plastic chairs etc cluttering up my cave!! Roll on Spring eh!! Cheers

Have you looked at the Jack-Be-Quick? It stays mounted on the bike so easily lifted with standard bike jack while you're on a trip.
Jack-Be-Quick | Rocket III (2004-2018)

1) Choose correct lifter Lifter for Triumph - Becker-Technik
2) Add moving about bit Becker-Technik Rangier-Adapter-Set
3) Make sure to add the Wheel Upgrade Upgrade for polyurethan ball bearing wheels 50mm (for all 4 castors) - Becker-Technik

I had the lifter alone for a while and upgraded in to the wider and more manageable wheeled base bit in December - well worth it.