The verdict is still out for me on the Tribal art. I normally try to make my bike just look very black when you first glance at it and then the closer you look the more you see. However after nearly getting ran over, usually by someone trying to move into the lane I'm riding in at night, I decided I might need to try and make Blackie more visible. So I used black reflective vinyl to do the graphics with, not too noticeable in normal light but it certainly shows up when light hits it!
What do you guys think? If it ends up growing on me I might have it clearcoated over like the tribals from the factory.
I really like the concept but I think it's a bit too much on the reflective surface. The lines aren't separated by enough black surface. Too thick and... chubby.
And this is coming from a guy that has a tribal tat on pretty much the entire right side of my upper body, down my arm, up my neck and across my chest...
I really like the concept but I think it's a bit too much on the reflective surface. The lines aren't separated by enough black surface. Too thick and... chubby.
And this is coming from a guy that has a tribal tat on pretty much the entire right side of my upper body, down my arm, up my neck and across my chest...
Thanks Evilbob!!! Got mine on this morning. Did a little dremel sanding and shaping around the engine crash bars but easy enough. But how do you get the locking nuts on afterwards :? :?
:idea: after sanding and shaping the edges, use a black permanant marker to color the edges black again, works well if you don't want to get out the paint brush!!!!