Tentative Accommodation Numbers

Be a lot easier if we had 2 cats.
Then we could tie there tails together with 100 mileanhour tape and hang em over the clothes line.
They can sort it out emselves from there and keep us amused.

If it was a Hills hoist we could spin it around as well and find another use for that stick.
Er hum and I thought you were a nice bloke!!
Hi everyone, My apologies to you all, I have been wanting to get out to a couple of the caravan parks here and talk to them in regards to the accomodation and what deals they could do for us as I thought that if everyone was in the one place would make things easier, there is a couple of parks that have sites, cabins etc which I think will accomodate everyones needs but we have been short of staff at work and I have had to do extra shifts (roll on sept, I need a holiday lol). I have this weekend off so I will head off and see what deals I can find for you all and will post links and info.