Telling video about Triumph customer service

Guess what.... my order finally arrived about 2 weeks after I was informed my claim for loss was approved. I ordered this jacket Nov 17 and it's been lost since Nov 22. If they credit me my order, I'll keep it as compensation for...... pain, suffering and a lot of time on the phone. Looks good too!
Some of you may recall i had a 258 day wait for my 2020 GT. The boss at the Triumph importers here in NZ provided my local dealership with his phone number to be forwarded to me so i could talk directly with him to learn about the delays.
I found this really helpful and when the bike finally arrived...i knew it was here..I had been tracking its movements like a stalker!!
I also got to unbox it which was awesome.
Mike Cross who is the boss at Triumph NZ....stayed in touch with me continuously and sent me a Triumph leather jacket...a Triumph teeshirt...a leather Triumph wallet and leather key ring thingy plus a Ladies teeshirt and a ladies beltbuckle with sparkly diamond looking stones set in it..all because i had to wait so long...thru no fault of theirs...covid had a big part to play in the delay.
Mike rang me prior to xmas and wished me a Happy xmas...i was chuffed!
Triumph rock! ....I havnt a bad word to say against them.