taming the 310 whp Supercharged Rocket 3 R

Nothin' like a bit of extra fuel, eh???
Why do people want to muck about with a good fast bike by putting a supercharger on it. All i can say is there braindead or an idiot, ive know a few guys did it to the old model and they all f---ed there engines they all said wish they hadn't done it. Now there are more peeps out want to try and f--k up the new bike just leave it alone its only bragging writes.
I could explain it to you, but you just wouldn’t understand. Congratulations on your new arrival here!
I could explain it to you, but you just wouldn’t understand. Congratulations on your new arrival here!
Ill try, it all started with the invention of the combustion engine. Some people very intelligent smart people with big balls have wanted to go fast. And the rest is history. signed idiot.
Why does one care about closed loop? Doesn’t it use the O2 sensor only at idle and when neither the tp and rpms aren’t changing? The O2 eliminator plug from Dynojet and others is just two resistors, one for the sensor and one for its heater. For the T120, the values were 330 mohm and 1 Mohm. Why not go that route?
Well obviously your circle of friends are idiots who don't know how to tune a modified Engine, that makes you an idiot as well.
Best you stick with your little 3 wheel trike that we all had as kids.

My interest is in looking for smoother low-speed operation... i.e., get rid of the slight engine rpm surging and snatch, reduce the decel pop.. both likely caused by overly-lean A/F.

The Dynojet eliminators just send a constant voltage signal to the ECU... 0.45V???.. and do nor create any A/F enrichment. (That voltage results from a 14.57 mix...but who knows what the ECU is programmed to do in response to that??? 15's or worse??)

Theoretically, the AFX-IED can be adjusted to send a false voltage signal, thus persuading the ECU to feed in a bit more fuel... they claim attainable enrichment to maybe an actual 13.8.. which oughta be enough to fix what I want??

Anyways, Wadejesu has one in place and I'm looking forward to his further comments.
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If the O2 sensor(s) is removed and the error codes are suppressed in TuneECU, or the resistor plugs are installed, the fuel is determined by the fuel and A/F tables. This doesn’t make it richer than the tables but without the O2 sensor, it can’t make it leaner.

Surging and snatch, amplified by the huge torque on the R3, is a constant theme with the water cooled twins. I removed the O2 sensors, put in the resistor plugs, installed a PCV, and gradually added fuel at low throttle where I was getting hiccups. This made it worse. It got smoother in rain mode. Does it improve on the R3 when you put it in rain mode?
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Does it improve on the R3 when you put it in rain mode?

Yes, a little. Less "snatchy." I put it down to a slower throttle response to the MAP readings... not any variation in fuel mix. Could be wrong, of course. Decel pop no difference.

Oh to be able to plug in a PCV!!

Anyway, we'll see. My AFX-IED is in the mail (!) and Wadejesu is running his. All will be revealed!!
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