tall or short windshield

I won't be selling any of it until I make up my mind and don't have access to the stock tune to put back in it as I did not take it out. IF no Indian, I may look at 2015 red and black R3T and simply transfer the stuff I want. I have found someone locally that wants the stock pipes now and he may get them regardless of what I decide. The windshields were the main thing as mine came with short one and I bought the touring one later. Later on I noticed the taller one was being put on new bikes.
Maybe just bring less stuff ? My wife and I tour on an old standard with beetle bags and a backpack thing that sits on the luggage rack. We manage to carry enough stuff. I kinda like the "less is more" aspect of motorcycling.

I travel all the time for my job and in my mind less is not more. I always bring two shirts for every day I am gone and like having multiple shoe/pants/shorts options when being gone for 16-18 days and if possible I like to avoid coin laundries. My 91 goldwing was much more fun in Colorado than my R3T was 2 years ago just because I could carry more stuff.
My R3T with the side bags and liners for those (scored a set from "TLC Products" before they vanished) and then a Kuryakyn Grantour bag on the luggage rack means I have no issues hauling enough to live out of. Though replacing the Grantour with something even larger is something I've been considering; not sure if they're made anymore as finding them on Kuryakyn's site seems to be a challenge now, but the Kuryakyn Full Dresser bag is huge.