tall or short windshield

I actually look over the tall one. Anyway if I trade one of them will be for sale

Take my advice and keep the tall one. It can always be cut down if needed as I have done so many times. The next rider can do so to make it suit his viewing preference. I've yet to be able to stretch a smaller screen and make it taller. Lol
My 2 cents: When selling to a dealer they only care about the book value. The accesorries rarely increase the value. If you have awesome custom paint jobs and other custom work it might be the exception.

My thought .... if you can find a way to make the bike run acceptably with the stock pipes put them back on. You can sell them easy (in fact I'd even buy them off you ).

As for the windshield I would put the shorty back on. You will have a better market for the long one for resale.

I've sold and traded a few bikes and when I didn't have the stock parts to put back on I always suffered in the

Also .... Tank posted a thread on the Hoppe industries fairing. It is really impressive. I am looking for one myself.
If you don't sell the screen to Jag but still want to sell it, I'm interested. Either of them, as long as they both have the quick-release hardware. I'm after the hardware only, already have a short screen, but need hardware for it so I can quick-mount it (cut it down even further first to create an even breezier short summer screen). I'd cover the full shipping cost here to Europe via the cheapest USPS option (which is why I don't want the actual shield, at that size I'd have to mortgage the house.)
Elvis I have to aggree with the others put the stock pipes back on dump the OEM tune back in her and sell the rest keep incase the other bike does not work out and you end up investing in another R3T.
Oh and If you its is left I will take the 140 Cu inch emblem. one of mine just has the Triumph one I see others have ask but if it does not work out I will take it.
Maybe just bring less stuff ? My wife and I tour on an old standard with beetle bags and a backpack thing that sits on the luggage rack. We manage to carry enough stuff. I kinda like the "less is more" aspect of motorcycling.