talk me out of it

Dont Believe him Anthony, the only thing louder and more obnoxious than that bike was the Ole Bull himself
Well you need a 20 yo to beat the crap out of him and then get an adult to talk sense to both of them. haha
There's plenty of reasonably priced slip-ons that will give you more than enough noise, better tone, better power and protect your engine.
Well, you have succeeded. I will not be going sans muffler. Thanks for the overwhelming show of good reason.
Not what I expected from most of you.
You havnt seen nothing yet
If you needed more help making the decision...I've been running "shorties" configured as 3 into 1 into 2 (essentially running off the headers) for about a year now and my exceedingly scientific results tell me that the setup sucks. It affects your power, idle, rideabilty and eardrums. The noise is not so much loud as obnoxious. Sounds sort of like a misfiring tractor that needed a tuneup about 10 years ago...loud and obnoxious. I would recommend you take off your stock cans and ride around the block...gaurrantee you will have them back on in very short order
Scuff it up some more with 600 wet&dry then paint it with hi-temp BBQ paint.
Scuff it up some more with 600 wet&dry then paint it with hi-temp BBQ paint.

Thanks for the good suggestion, but I shall be soon going with the CES headers set up . . . so, *** it!
I took off the V&H slip on from my dyna and it sounded awesome, even a little quieter than many harleys on the road but something about it? subsonic maybe like a subwoofer it's not gonna swallow a valve if ya just go around the block to check it out. I would enjoy your feedbackj.