Talk me into a new bike!

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Standard Bore
Nov 20, 2006
I am looking at updating the old 2005 Rocket III with one of the new 2012 Roadsters, but before I go plunk down the cash, I want to make sure it is truly an upgrade from the old bike.

I really like the new blacked out look and the mid-mount foot pegs would be a huge plus for comfort, but the old bike is fairly dialed in with most of the major issues fixed.

The following list is the stuff I am most concerned about. Are the new bikes better than the original? Or will I have to go through the process all over again with a new bike?

Clutch - weak original went out after 1500 mi
Cam chains - noisy as hell, but never failed
Fork springs - originals would bottom under braking after 200 mi.
Fork seals - eats fork seals every 2500 mi.
Vibration - 3200+ rpm buzzed thru the pegs and grips.
Shocks - anything would be better
Front brakes - constant bleeding and fluid changes
Driveline lash and whine - lots of slop and noise.
Fuel light - comes on with 3 gal left
Clunky shifting - I could live with this, but has it improved?

C'mon guys, talk me into buying a new bike!!!
Love the name, and welcome to the site. My 2010 R3T I bought March of 2011 is a fine machine. The origianl brake line had a hole in it from the factory. The hard steel line for the rear. The new ones have anti-lock brakes on them (I'm told). I absolutely hated the factory Metzlers. They were just too hard. But this is not the same bike that you are asking about, so who knows what you'll end up with. For a highway bike, There is none better. Then again, I haven't ridden everything out there. jmtcw.
I can't, (talk you into a new bike)
now would I like another R3 myself?
sure I would.
I don't like the placement of the new pegs myself,
it's a cruiser not a honda 350, plus I have long legs.
The ABS would be nice,
but then so would a built in gear indicator.
So would a true touring model with all the bells and whistles,
and there's always the 6th gear issue.
Would "I" get another one?
once I have this one wore out, sure.
Should you?
If you can afford it, and want it, get it.
Hope this helps and Welcome to the site...
I like how they shaved and blacked out the foot rest brackets, but I'm sith Skip, moving the pegs back doesn't sit well with me ( I'm 6'3")
I had a Roadster for two days while my bike was at the dealers. I have to say that for me at 6' it was really uncomfortable after 30 mins. It's like they paid someone at Triumph to put together the worst possible bar/peg/seat combo they could think of
2 years ago I bought a Roadster when they first came out. Since I didn't have a previous Rocket I can't really compare improvements. I demo'd an 09 Classic before I bought my Roadster and I didn't care for the forward foot controls (I never liked forward controls, even my 2 previous Harley's had mid-controls). I know it's not much help, bought I really like my Roadster and have had zero problems with it.
not an upgrade. not even a lateral move really, and they won't give you s h i t for your trade so I suggest keeping your current rocket and getting a nice paint job done!