Take a look at this custom bike with Rocket 3 engine.

Couldnt find it , all they seem to do at that rally is sit on their bikes

There's five minutes of my life i'll never get back .. what a pack of f#ckin idiot wanna-be's, fair dinkum...
I apologize for causing some to waste time Even though I accurately described it, if you looked anyway you had the time to waste. I don't like it but I can appreciate the ingenuity and effort. Especially using what looks like a tractor engine. As for the rally. I used to dislike rallies and not attend. I like to ride, these people just park and showoff there bikes. I attended the Lonestar rally last year. I met people who rode in from many different States five hundred to thousands of miles away. So when they get there they sit, eat, drink, and be merry. There were bike games, poker runs, ride outs, etc. etc. No bike show has the verity or quantity of bikes to see. Do you go to the theatre, bowling, sporting events, restaurant? You drive or ride there then get out/off. I would much rather ride to a rally for entertainment. You can still ride around as much as you want. Last year there was a vender installing medical grade gel & seat covers from alligator to zebra in many colors. I was reluctant to let him do my hard plastic Tbird seat. But a friend let me try the before and after on his Sportster. Wow. I'm still kicking myself for not getting mine done. I'll let him do it when the Lonestar returns this year. Beats $600 for a Mustang seat. Unless you choose animal hide it's $200. I also made new friends at the rally. One of which owns property in the Hill County were I go often to hit the twisties. Now I have a place to stay/camp. They showed me new routes to ride and some great places to eat. All to say I changed my mind about rallies.
Reactions: idk

Glad i's back in the fold---- Yer learn so much on here----N' I knows a few swearies mind --FUBAR---- Thass me !!
How the hell is one supposed to ride that thing? I sure as hell don't have arms that long! Doesn't look like it does any form of turning either...
It is on air suspension so it lifts up when started.

The bloke who built it tried to sell it for $80,000 a few years back, and seem a bit surprised and upset that nobody on the R3 forums was interested in it.

That bike was built right down the street from me in Lewisville TX. We make the Lone Star Rally every year. I thought that was my Rocket at 12:31 but it had a leather tool kit on the front. Same Corbin faring as mine and tinted screen. How strange. Not more than one or two Rockets ever there.
That one looks almost ridable
guess what!!! I inquired back when I was riding a fat boy as to what kind of mulla this thing would cost .... the frame alone was $65 000( ONE PIECE OF ALUMINIUM CARVED OUT) I counted my pennies and kept the FB.
I was just killing time watching YouTube videos when I spotted a R3 engine in a OC/ Jessie James looking custom bike. Just thought you guys might find it interesting. The bike is at about 19:00 into the video.

Do NOT think I'd like riding that all day!
I didn't read the whole thread here but it looks to me that whomever built that bike never looked at a Rocket III engine until the bike was finished, then just shoved the engine in it. It was built to the lines of a V-twin engine.
Ugly beyond measure.
Should have started by looking that the engine and building the bike around it.