yeah the survey really wasn't to listed to triumph owners on what they think the company should focus on/remedy/improve on sadly it just focused on the competition for example one question i believe mentioned what brands do you think are the top in terms of performance. then another one was value; then another was reliability etc.
overall 26k on my rocket roadster and knock on wood it has been pretty much bullet proof- thankfully the valve cover gasket is holding not crimping and dripping oil- this is good. I may look into get somekind of radio installed for bar hoppin treks
$uck your survey. Love the bike. Best bike i have ever owned. Suits me to a tea. Ride the #uck out of it. Now go invest in a Bonneville you dumb $ss mother $uckers. Do you want to hear how I really feel? Guess i"ll never get a chance at finishing the survey.
yep, i got one...answered the whole the bikes,rated the marketing low also...wanted to answer the whole thing to show i was interested...who knows what it will prove in the end
after you do survey the link no longer is active here is the opening from it: TRIUMPH MOTORCYCLES OWNER SURVEY
In order to provide you with better products and services, Triumph would like to understand the views and opinions of their customers. To ensure that you can give your views as frankly and securely as possible Triumph have engaged 7th Sense Research, an international independent market research consultancy, to carry out a survey.
Your input is invaluable to us to help Triumph make sure the products and services they develop are as relevant and interesting as possible to you.
The survey is an online questionnaire that you can access by clicking the link below, it should take you no more than 10 minutes to complete.
The closing date is 18th September 2018. We look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Triumph seems to do everything they can lately to drive away their fans, or whatever you'd call us, I'm pretty sour on them as a corporation, if I ever by another new bike, it's unlikely yo be a Triumph. What do I know, though, I'm just a dumb carpenter, I'm sure the bean counters expect to increase profits, all that matters any more. Even my local dealer, nice guy, but not a single employee nor owner there rode a Triumph, the days of mom and pop and brand loyalty are gone. And he built an addition at Triumphs demand, then told hom 2 years later he had to change the new floor, he told them to stuff it, come pick up your bikes.
about a couple weeks back; survey on what the user's perception was on the major big brands (kawasaki, KTM, bmw, honda, yamaha, indian, hd, moto guzzi, suzuki, etc)
I completed it and sent back to triumph; which i mostly rated high except their marketing i rated as poor. did anyone else receive one?
I did receive it, but unless I've asked for it or am expecting one... I don't click on links in emails... Occupational knowledge hazard I suppose...