Sunny side up? Circlip sharp side vs smooth(er) side

They are very shallow and the circlips are cut funny, the necks are only 2mm, gonna save one to adjust my clutch


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For something thats obviously so important you’d think they could put a dab of paint on the circlip to show the orientation,but suppose that’s asking too much seeing as the factory tech’s couldn‘t be bothered.
Far too obvious. That would make it too easy for them. Even the line workers in the Triumph factory would,nt get it wrong then! Too simple a solution for them!
I'm still not convinced I've got the right sides, I will put more into checking this evening. Where I feel a sharp side on the inside of the circlip, the outside edge of that same side feels smooth. I've dug out a bright light and a more powerful magnifying glass... haha this is ridiculous
Better yet. Remove transmission from bike and place in box. Send to Robinson Industries wait about six weeks . Take transmission out of box and place in bike. Job done along with a better made forth gear.
This is kinda like taking a trailer to a rally or driving a car to work. A file and a workbench is how a real mechanic does it. Ok just playin couldn’t resist