Today I finally replaced my sump pan on my 2015 rocket 3 roadster and when putting the new pan on, the screws broke before reaching the indicated spec of 12Nm. Is it recommended to replace these bolts each time?
Got lucky since torque is so low and was able to remove the broken end without tapping anything
Anyways, I’m just curious. I ended up replacing the screws and everything is fine and dandy.
I had the same thing on my 2010 Touring a few years back. I replaced the gasket, after I broke off 3 of the bolts (tried to tighten one to see if it would stop a slow oil leak). I bought all new bolts at the time I ordered the gasket. I THINK I was advised from here to go 10 Nm on them. Haven't had any problems so far. Knock on wood.
Thanks for sharing your experience. I was livid when they snapped (had already spent a good amount of time adding and removing the pan).
I’ll keep this thread posted but so far everything is leak-free!