Suggestions for mirrors?

Satin Black Mirror with Auxiliary Running Light and Directional Indicator ?

I have a hard time with that price, personally (not that the mirror suits my bike in any other way either).

You also need adapters.
I have no plans on paying that price as with most Harley stuff they are way too overpriced. Also, I am considering them.

Yeah, in general you pay a lot just for that logo.

Looking at this video I spotted it's a bit annoying they're not in sync with the bike. That's actually a legal requirement, that indicators on one side are synchronized. Not that I expect a cop would know or fine you for it....


Thanks for pointing that out...wonder why they blink out of sync...could be a deal breaker. I am continuing to look. I have to have black tho so that probably limits me.
Thanks for pointing that out...wonder why they blink out of sync...could be a deal breaker. I am continuing to look. I have to have black tho so that probably limits me.

The Rivco mirrors comes in black.
Thanks for pointing that out...wonder why they blink out of sync...could be a deal breaker. I am continuing to look. I have to have black tho so that probably limits me.

Yeah, I was surprised by that too. I can only assume that they have some sort of built-in blinking relay function, though I just don't get why they would when you can just hook them up to the same circuit as the normal indicators. Maybe some Harley-related issue...