Sturgis 2015

+1 on what @HansO stated, Morris.
- except for the Pacific Ocean part.
Raise HELL - stay SAFE!!!
+1 on what @HansO stated, Morris.
- except for the Pacific Ocean part.
Raise HELL - stay SAFE!!!
what you Don't want to be able to pop on over for ride in Auss imagine if we had one Big Arse Bridge over the Pacfic Ocean with a few fuel stops between the Islands and some accommodation as well along the way, it is about 12,720km (about 8,000 mile give or take a couple) that is just a rough estimate, very doable the distance part, how they will put the fuel stops in I don't know
GOOD idea, a long ass bridge.
I'd be on it like stink on $hit headin' to OZ!!!
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away (California), there was a man who was exceedingly good, honest and upright. He was so much so that it came to the attention of God. So God came down and said unto him "As you have been so upright in a land of so much sin, I shall grant you one wish."

The man thought about it and said "I have always wanted to go to Australia but I don't like flying and get seasick on a millpond. Could you build a bridge between California and Australia please?"

God said unto the man "Do you know what you are asking? There are massive design and construction problems with tides, hurricanes, shipping, continental drift, etc., etc., etc. Is there something else you would like instead?"

Once again the man thought about it, and then said "Could you give me the ability to understand women?"

God then said unto the man "Would you like the bridge to be two lanes or four?"
If you build it - they will come!