Sturgis 2015

The last time I went to Sturgis was 1975 on a brand new Norton 850 Commando MKIII. As I contemplate going again I see pictures and hear stories from friends that go there and I just have no desire to subject myself to that craziness. I guess somewhere along the line I got old and lost a lot of my patience for stupid people and stupid tricks. I am thinking of doing the Beartooth Rally next year, not only is it smaller, but the Beartooth Highway is a must for anyone with a motorcycle. So far the Beartooth rally hasn't been "discovered" nor is it something one has to do these days like Sturgis.

All of you guys headed to Sturgis, have fun, stay safe and come back with your tales of wonderment.

Hello Sam, I went last year with my three youngest sons and we froze. It was warm here and there but not what I would call hot. Go figure.
Work, money, time off all conspired to keep me away this year; besides, 750K people last year made itreally tough to ride. 1.2M estimated this year seems a tad tougher. Two trailers of my Harley riding buddies left last Thursday en route to the worlds largest trailer convention and the last group of them leave on Tuesday. Have fun to all and be safe!
Actually I was referring to our resident Tree hugging, Liberal, Californian.

That's Mr. Gay, pot smoking, tree hugging, liberal Californian with a speech impediment to you sir!
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I would love to ride that part of the country but have no desire to go during the rally...hopefully I'll get up that way someday
Free words of wisdom...dont cross west texas in sux. Buzzards grinning at you from the side of the road checking to see if your cooked all the way yet. Most miserable ride of my life. In Dillon, CO tonite...beautiful weather
That's the trouble with a rally in August as it's hot as hades everywhere!

Right now, as I type this, any riders coming in from due east, have a terrible and vast storm to ride through. I rode 250 miles one year in very hard rain to get to Rapid City airport to grab my friends girl that flew in from California and we couldn't be late.

One year, we rode through a wall cloud and Tornado, dropping down from Yellowstone, going east, just a few miles south of Gillette, Wyoming! There was nowhere to even pull over to stop, no overpasses or exits for 20 + miles so we rode into and trough the wall cloud--lightning everywhere and the sound was louder than Pink Floyd at full volume! 500 riders wee stranded in Yellowstone with roads closed due to snow---first week in August!

Be prepared.
