Sturgis 2015

chris"s campground in spearfish has always done me good have little cabins imagine spoken for by now though plenty of open camping nicely located

Me likes this place!
Stayed there for a week 3 Rallys ago.
A real nice, helpful lady runs the joint.

After checking Chris Camp . . .
WOW! their little cabins went from $55 to $160 per night for Sturgis!!!
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Im with mex on the wait till the partys over thing...I have friends that live in sturgis they are planning to leave for 2 weeks during the rally this year...I would absolutely love to meet up with some of you fellas after the sh!t show and ride the *** out of the blackhills!!! i"ve never ridden a bike in the hills,Id like to change that...
Based ONLY on my experience of four Sturgis Rallys.
I don't go to Sturgis for the party, booze and women. I know - I'm old. I had my time in the sun and I took ***-all good advantage of it while there!
I went to Sturgis twice before just before the rally and just after in order to avoid everything that some of us don't care about, especially crowds.
I HATE crowds, especially drunk rowdy types. I have had Seahawk season tickets for years and the past several years have let my son in law use them.
I ride, shop, drink some, eat a lot, visit a few tourist traps (the Sturgis bars) and BS folks I meet. I don't do much night life, except for perhaps a night of kick ass blues at #10 in Deadwood.
Understanding the roads are NOT appropriate for frame dragging, the scenery is first rate. I was pleasantly surprised to find the rally experience very fun (except for a hail storm or two).
I don't ride or do the famous saloons at night anyway. According to @R3Tex the campgrounds are pretty wild (I never done that) and he's absolutely correct about the "no panties". Hulett on Wednesday is fun if you enjoy nutty people watching. There were a few, OK just 3, wearing chaps only of 7 to 8 grade promenading their motors when I was there 2 years ago.
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There should be a Hell Yeah button in addition to the like because I would have hit it three times
There should be a Hell Yeah button in addition to the like because I would have hit it three times

What I liked best about RAA IX was sitting round the park lot with friends enjoying social intercourse whilst sharing pie!
That there is the best and commonplace anywhere!
Shhhhh. Da Gubmint hears all. Most folks are not denied their heritage by law. Only those who are in direct competition. If Meth was in my families heritage for hundreds of years, that might be ok since the Gubmint ain't in the taxing meth business. Thought about buying some of them meth seeds from East Tennessee fer a while
It's an art and us old artisans is a vanishing breed. My grandpappy in Kaintuck taught me, ain't got no young uns to pass it along too.

Now let's get back to discussing the topic, Sturgis.
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What I liked best about RAA IX was sitting round the park lot with friends enjoying social intercourse whilst sharing pie!
That there is the best and commonplace anywhere!
I only read two words in that entire sentence: enjoying intercourse

Now that you pointedly reminded me of the reasons that I steadfastly avoid all large motorcycle "happenings", I amend my answer to a firm "No way!".

If I ever choose to visit Sturgis on two wheels it will definitely be well before or after the big whoop-dee-doo.

I've been in that vicinity several times in the past and it is very beautiful country with some great roads/riding around it. Too many chefs definitely spoil the broth for this cowboy, though.
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