You may all be sorta right. Not sure if this will help or just confuse things more, and it may only relate to House of Kolor paint, but when we shoot a bike we lay down the base color, then shoot a product called interclear which is sort of a clear coat / sealer, then do graphics (airbrush, pinstripe, etc) then shoot clear. The reason we do it is the raw paint finish on the base coat can be affected by non compatible paints and adhesives. Once cured the interclear is not. It only takes one time of sanding off $3000 worth of paint to learn a valuable lesson. I suspect Triumph are doing something similar.
You may all be sorta right. Not sure if this will help or just confuse things more, and it may only relate to House of Kolor paint, but when we shoot a bike we lay down the base color, then shoot a product called interclear which is sort of a clear coat / sealer, then do graphics (airbrush, pinstripe, etc) then shoot clear. The reason we do it is the raw paint finish on the base coat can be affected by non compatible paints and adhesives. Once cured the interclear is not. It only takes one time of sanding off $3000 worth of paint to learn a valuable lesson. I suspect Triumph are doing something similar.
Your right. the House of Kolor brand of interclear is the same as other brands of, lets just generically call it "production clear" which is not your fina,l slower drying clear that gives the superior gloss, but a faster drying clear for using between stages so that it can be worked sooner to go to the next stage (graphics, airbrush, ect).
That was really my biggest point as to why Triumph obviously laying the stripes over just the base color (or at least it seems that way from Claviger's photos/description of the hard line "drop off" of the clear coat) is a bad process. It, like you said, needed a coat of production clear over the base color before the striping. I'm glad Claviger had his solution figured out on how to overcome it.
Good job Claviger
Yeah, it would take a real painter to know I think if they are using an intermediate clear under the final spray.
I am not a painter, but how easily the under stripe area scratches and the lip makes me very suspect.
On a positive note, the clear they do apply, is quite thick and very scratch resistant. All the heating, peeling, scraping, rubbing, taping etc didn't leave a single mark in the clear or and up buffing it visibly, and I was anything but gentle, both physically and with chemicals (rubbing fairly hard, using credit card as a scraper, and at other times using a solvent "Goof-Off Aerosol").
So there's that at least
For all others who want to change stripes, I highly recommend, apply over top stock or have them painted on like a few here have done.
Your correct - The base color has no sealing clear between it & the stripe.
Sorry you had to learn by trial, but you have discovered something that will help others who want to change stripes in the future. Do it the way you suggested - stripe over the originals. You'll feel the edge, but you'll feel the edge doing it the other way (stripping) too...... or have it re-painted
I'd just stripe over the stripe
All done, until I get around to wrapping the chrome of the Gauge Pods. It's not perfect, but it's **** close to it and I don't think any but the most critical eye will even be able to spot the 2 incredibly small flaws. I rather like the look, the sun is SUPER strong today, so they are crazy reflective, but they match the reflective level of the paint pretty closely.
All done, until I get around to wrapping the chrome of the Gauge Pods. It's not perfect, but it's **** close to it and I don't think any but the most critical eye will even be able to spot the 2 incredibly small flaws. I rather like the look, the sun is SUPER strong today, so they are crazy reflective, but they match the reflective level of the paint pretty closely.