Strange whirring sound under left side of tank

Took it back to Blackfoot and one of the potentiometers was off by .3 volts. He made the adjustment in about 20 minutes and she's back to working well.
are you going to nelson this july for the RAT
My old lady's potentiometer is on the fritz... She gets really loud when calling her by an old girlfriend's name... Need to find the dial to tone her down...

A lot of them have that issue; it's when you call them by the new GF's name that things get even more interesting...
are you going to nelson this july for the RAT

No. We're doing the 101 down the coast this summer and I only have time enough for one serious road trip this summer. We did Seattle down to San Fran in a car a couple of years ago and we promised ourselves we'vd do that trip on the bike.
No. We're doing the 101 down the coast this summer and I only have time enough for one serious road trip this summer. We did Seattle down to San Fran in a car a couple of years ago and we promised ourselves we'vd do that trip on the bike.

just in case you find yourself riding west of denver last week of june there is the big meet in montrose colorado 300 miles west of denver