Hi all,
I just had my 30K service on my 09 R3, and noticed a new sound when powering the bike up.
When I turn the key, the usual powerup/whirring sounds happen but then I get a repeated pulsing whirring sound from under the left side of the tank. It sounds like pump shooting short pulses of fuel or something. I let it sit powered up, but not running for a few minutes and the sounds does not stop BUT, if I ride the bike for 10-15 minutes, shut her down, and power her up, it does not repeat the sound. It seems to only happen from a cold start.
Is this the pump priming fuel or something? It doesn't have any effect on the ride or feel of the bike and there are no other issues.
They did the standard 30k service and also loaded in the Triumph aftermarket pipe tune in for me. Other than that, nothing has changed.