Store a 2022 R3GT?


.020 Over
May 22, 2021
2022 Triple Black Rocket 3 GT
Hello all.

I have to do some work out of the states for 3 years and I can't take the 2022 R3GT Lim Edition with me.

It's paid off and it's my dream bike. Can't sell it.

I plan on getting it serviced, putting it in storage along with the rest of my home. I figure I'll put it on a jack and drain the fuel. Keep radiator and oil full.

Change everything when I get back and keep riding the **** out of it.

Anything I can do better to preserve my beautiful monster?

Awesome-looking bike! I would drain the gas or just ride it until it is super low and be near the house 🤪 and then start it to get all of the fuel out of the system. But I could be totally wrong since it’s not carbureted. I don’t know if I would trust the tires after three years, even in a dark, temperature-controlled environment. Someone who knows about tires and EFI will chime in, watch! Just ride your baby hard before you go and you will need new tires anyway 😇 I don’t know where you are going, but the Army shipped my bike over to Germany in ‘81 and I had a blast! Are you thinking about getting a temporary motorcycle wherever you go?
Is there smoothing he can do to prevent corrosion developing in the gas tank, sitting empty for that long ?

I would also get some ACF-50. Apply it to all the exterior unpainted metal bits including the exhaust. Cover the exhausts with a hair net to prevent something from living in there.
Is there smoothing he can do to prevent corrosion developing in the gas tank, sitting empty for that long ?

I would also get some ACF-50. Apply it to all the exterior unpainted metal bits including the exhaust. Cover the exhausts with a hair net to prevent something from living in there.
Good stuff, “hair net,“ idea is a great one. I would definitely do non-ethanol for the last tank full.
Wash it, dry it thoroughly and polish it. Any bug splat will go moldy if left and can mark the finish. Change the oil before storing it, even if it's been done recently, so the oil in the engine is pristine and unused.
ACF50 all over it is definitely a good idea and I'd spray all external moving parts and joints (bar lever pivots, foot control linkages, swinging arm pivots, shock mounts etc) with a good silicon-based penetrating oil so no damp can settle between mating surfaces.

The only issue you might face after a three year lay-up is perished fork seals. They can harden and go brittle when left unused for long periods. A lot of people had that trouble during covid, myself included. The dealer said after lockdown there was a run on fork seals.
While it's good to keep the weight off the tyres, if it's possible, it's even better if the bike is wheeled around occasionally, the suspension pumped and the brakes worked. Atmospheric moisture is very good at condensing between discs and pads, especially in an unheated garage.
Not a bad idea either to put a cover over it to keep it free of dust and cobwebs and fly spots.
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