stock air box mod.

Yeah, the breather is a pain. Long needle nose pliers and a long flat head screwdriver was the ticket for me.
Not required. Take a section of the old hose and connect to outlet on engine then add filter very simple and easy access to filter. I even used a fancy splicer which worked out well. Plus used a small K&N filter the last time.
I've seen posts that it's not worth doing the RamAir mod unless you put a header on as well. Any thoughts on that?

I don't believe that is correct statement. In reality, both sides of the motor are very restricted, the intake and the exhaust. You will get the greatest benefit from a combination of ramair/K&N, plus headers and free flow mufflers and of course custom tune. There will be a gain from doing ramair/K&N and free flow mufflers, plus tune as well, but obviously less than complete exhaust. Based on personal experience, ramair and free flow mufflers plus tune most definitely deliver a difference. Just doing either free flow mufflers or ramair alone provides little gain. If you want rip the knob off power, headers is the way to go I just haven't been able to convince the misses that giving Paul Bryant a sizable amount of cashola for headers and complete exhaust system is a solid investment. Women...
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Ill tell you what... This bike has soo much in reserves it don't matter. Mine was getting too loud for me. Reinstalled one of the original slip-ons. Now have 2 TORS and one stock slip-on. Much more quiet. I want to say I can feel less power at shallow setting but,,,, that would be bull.

I would consider a single side set up. Lots of weight would come off. That is the easiest to gain hp.
I've seen posts that it's not worth doing the RamAir mod unless you put a header on as well. Any thoughts on that?
Much easier to mod both the air intake and exhaust and then tune. I ran the Ramair for two months until my exhaust system came in. No harm done. Long term and all you are interested in is the air intake i would recommend getting a new tune.
Much easier to mod both the air intake and exhaust and then tune. I ran the Ramair for two months until my exhaust system came in. No harm done. Long term and all you are interested in is the air intake i would recommend getting a new tune.
I installed the ramair air. It alot louder at the intake on accel. But im not sure if the power is very much better. Im running tors. Cant remember the tune except the last two digits were from a 66 to a 68.