stock air box mod.

And definitely DO NOT do the under tank K&N mod that was recommended for a short time 15 years ago to free up storage in the filter box.
Squeezing a filter there will limit the actual air entering it and guaranteeing the air will be 'hot off the press' (engine that is).
@snicrep many of us removed the underseat snorkel way back in the early days. I believe it is a good Idea to do so until you get your RamAir filter. I have done it to all 3 of my Rockets and many of my friends Rockets too. I look at it as less restrictive and your pants or coats can not block those tiny intake ports.
I say go with Ramair, here is my thread on mine...

Just bought a 2014 R3 Roadster a month ago. It has a Corbin seat and the ducting under the seat was not retained. Hope that's not a problem.
Can't speak for the ram air but the K&N filters out in the open with the socks on them will run fine, even in a torrential downpour. The ru2780 filter will fit under the bear claw since you do not like the exposed filters. Of course if you exhaust is stock and your not changing it. The only thing the filter modification does is free up storage space and make it easier to work on the top of the engine. Think big air in big air out!!!!