Stepper motor regulation problems

Hello, I am having trouble with this spot.
My throttle linkage is like the red circle picture. How or what needs adjusted to get linkage to match the picture with green circle?
I'm having similar problems as the OP.
How do I apply the stepper motor for step 2?

Step one you retract the stepper motor with tuneecu tps about .62
step two that is just the normal position with ignition on engine not running tps should read with adjusting about .74 adjust the nut on stepper motor to achieve this.
forget about the .5 mm of play
Thanks. I adjusted the stepper nut all the way off and couldn't get the stepper numbers to change much. Also same thing with another stepper motor.
I need at this point to get it running and sync throttles and adjust tps a couple times to get it dialed in.
Toyota starter arrives tomorrow!
something don't sound right maybe your tps (throttle position sensor) is not correct or is wrong in some matter.
when you work on your starter you will have to remove the front gear of the toy starter and install the rocket part.
this is just info that i want when you pull the rocket starter off take a channel locks and see if the Bendix/sprag/or one way system will turn free one way and get hard to turn the other direction.
Yes the Triumph starter gear only spins one way with pliers.
I do know to change out the nose of the Toyota starter.
I do suspect a bad TPS.
Thanks for the reply.
do you have a manual or do you go online for info
i can help if you don't have