Steering Wobble

I noticed a few of you guys are spelling Tyre wrong...
You be one of them..... Could never see how the letter "i" could become the letter "y", but some manage to do it....

Now what do you think about the superfluous letter "u".... (authour vs author)

Look...... squirrel....
I have 5 small weights on the right side of my Cobra Chromes and 4 on the left side. Is that normal to have more on one side than the other? I have noticed a slight wobble/vibration at low speeds when I take my hands off of the handle bars lately. My old 2005 Rocket did it constantly and continuously so up until now I didn't give it much thought. It's very slight but it is in fact noticeable.

Some tires cause and some dont
On new tire a couple of days after i go about 40 mph and ease my hands off the bars to see how bad it will be. I had a tank slapper on a metz but it also happens on other types.
i found the steering on my 10 touring was really loosed, and i used to feel the goldwing wobble doing slow speed maneuvers, but never found an issue at high speeds, i'm not limited, i have tightened up the bearing and that seems to have helped the situation, but i guess we will see
Had a wobbles wearing the door barn and stock head bearing. Replaced barndoor, better. Followed with seals, fork springs and head bearings. Still wobbly... had a conversation with tech. He re-adjusted the head bolts... bike fixed. Tracks true with no wobble. Worth doing if one has the stock bearings.
Look folks you can blame tires all day long but if you ever looked at a set of factory installed bearing you would understand real quick why your bike wobbles. The grease that they used is more like runny snot than grease. No lube means very quick wear. You can tighten the bearings up and in some cases that will work. Can make it worse especially when you over tighten and mesh up the races. My bike shook like you would not believe at about 100 mph and shake at low speeds with hand of the bars. Replaced bearings and installed progressive shocks. No wobbles at any speed. No I would not trust a shop to do the work. I have seen shops just replace the top bearing and call it a day. Very much in the same category as replacing a valve cover gasket. They will screw it up.