Starting issues


Standard Bore
Oct 29, 2023
Rocket X
After replacing battery, the bike is having an issue of not starting. Lights and gauges cycle, fuel pump cycles. When I press the ignition it’s tries to turn over one time then can’t get it to turn over again. I can start it with a jump box and it’ll stay running. Could it be the starter relay or starter going bad?
Ive seen new powersport batteries that were no good, do you have voltage readings, at battery no load, at battery with start button pressed, what voltage is going to starter and what voltage does tune ecu say thats what the ecm sees? A few things that can sort out and eliminate voltage issues. Once those are good others will jump in and help you get it going.
You need to check the voltage at the battery terminals when it's running. It should read near 14 volts if the rectifier is working. Son-in-law had the same type problem the battery wasn't getting charged during rides.
I'm going to assume you have a bad connection at the battery which drops out under load since the issue started when you change the battery, if it is a problem not related to changing the battery that started when you changed the battery then you have a miracle on your hands.

You can check for voltage drop (which indicates that there is a poor connection) by testing across a connection with you multimeter set to voltage while the circuit is under load. For example, put one probe directly on the battery terminal itself and the other on the positive post on your starter, crank the bike and see what the voltage reads. The voltage should be zero or very close to it, a voltage reading indicates a difference in voltage between the battery post and the starter motor post, which means resistance which means a bad connection (you can get poor connections that work at low power draw, but will drop out under high load). If there is a drop across the full circuit then you can start to test individual joints/connections along the circuit the same way. And don't forget to test your earth (negative) circuit too.

I just checked, there are heaps of videos on youtube explaining the process if you need a better explanation (I won't be offended)😆

for what its worth it may not be the battery or anything battery related. Triumph has crappy wiring and I found if you move it from neutral to first and second to get it 'seated" with the clutch in it will start. Give it a try ;)
I gave this one a try and presto she fired right up. I’ll be taking the X on night ride but I’ll take the jump pack with just in case. Thank you gents