Starter won't turn engine over

No special tool ive seen it done with a telescopic magnet
I use a pair if hemostats. Going back I use the same but a hose on tbe end of the plug would work also. I believe the standard spark plug socket won't work its outside diameter is to big because it has the rubber stuffed in it.
Agree. The only socket I’ve found that works is in the supplied tool kit. Basically a sheet metal socket.
Same here, deep 18mm hex socket 3/8th drive, but with a rubber grommet glued into it to hold into the plug's ceramic tower.

@Justin Lakes good you're now on the right track. Is there a gap between pulley & engine front?

Bearing ok in the crank spigot bearing housing?
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I'll check today. I walked away from it last night. Thanks for the depth pic, I was wondering what it should be

How did the injectors open to fill the cylinders with gas?

On the Valkie I had an electric valve cut-off installed to prevent that. Switch ON opens the fuel flow, switch OFF, fuel off. If that were to happen on the Valkie it would become road kill Vulture food and it would make me cry. I get separation anxiety when I leave the Valkie at the shop.
They didn't re-read the post Polock