Have been expierencing stalling at very low speed,especially when turning.when it stallsits quite hard and sudden laid over bike couple of times..Have intermittent with neutral light flickering when it is actually in neutral.could the gear position sensor be causing this.The stalling doesn't occur often though.Have 20,000 miles on it 05 classic
Have been expierencing stalling at very low speed,especially when turning.when it stallsits quite hard and sudden laid over bike couple of times..Have intermittent with neutral light flickering when it is actually in neutral.could the gear position sensor be causing this.The stalling doesn't occur often though.Have 20,000 miles on it 05 classic
have had the bike for a year had downloaded stock tune ecu calibration then,put on 8000 miles since last year.Has stock exhaust,tune ,stock airfilter and throttle position senor has not being replaced.Not sure if ignition relay kit was installed by previous owner but healight find when framing engine.
Recently added OEM fog light,relay kit not sure if fog lights were on when bike stalled
kinda embarassing dropping bike in parking lot couple of times
What is the tune number that you have installed? Is it 20215 or 20050? If it is not 20215 then it may be the earlier version that was causing some slow speed stalls.
Does it stall if you are at low speed and continue straight? If it is only occurring when you are at low speed and turning, it may very well be the ignition switch. Turning the handlebars pulls on the ignition switch wiring harness slightly and may be that yours is already broken but remains touching in straight line.
Since you are familiar with TuneECU, it would be wise to disconnect the primary TPS (the one closest to the seat) and see if the insides are solid black or possibly blue. If black, you should replace it with a blue one as soon as possible.
And above all, fit an H4 headlight relay kit such as the Eastern Beaver kit ASAP.
I had a similar problem with my 05' several years ago. Mine wouldn't stall but it would idle so slow it would buck for a few seconds then recover to normal idle speed. There is linkage between the throttle plates and the hard stop screw. My linkage had worn to where the throttle plates would go all the way closed until the idle stepper motor got them opened back up a little. I turned the stop screw in just until the throttle plates opened a tiny bit. Then re-set the idle stepper position using Tuneboy. Not sure if that is your problem without hearing it run. Does it just stall abruptly like the key is shut off ? Mine would idle slow and rough like it was flooding (which it was, cause it wasn't getting any air). This only happened at very low speeds as well.
I have to check the hex file I have running currently ,think it is 20222.Yes when bike stalls it is very very abrupt with both feet on foot rest ,bike just falls to side am turning.Will check ignition wiring,side stand switch and throttle tomorrow.otherwise idling has no issues but have noticed idling hangs a bit
I have to check the hex file I have running currently ,think it is 20222.Yes when bike stalls it is very very abrupt with both feet on foot rest ,bike just falls to side am turning.Will check ignition wiring,side stand switch and throttle tomorrow.otherwise idling has no issues but have noticed idling hangs a bit
I think the stalling and neutral light flickering are probably not related. Your GPS perhaps needs a clean. Simple to do. 2 small bolts at back left of the engine. You might want to pull the small plunger thingy out while you have it off and rough it up a bit. A squirt of WD 40 in the hole before you replace it mightn't hurt either. Fixed mine.